We are delighted to be opening the doors to ELFRIDGES again at school on the afternoons of Wednesday 7th December (for EYFS and KS1 children) and Thursday 8th December (for KS2 children).
Permission slips were sent home on Wednesday 16th November and an email landed in your inboxes too. Please fill them in and send back to school with your cash payment. Or pay online here at https://paypal.me/prestburypta .
All online payments MUST detail the names and year groups of the children taking part and must be accompanied by a permission form sent back to school.
If you are free to help with selling, wrapping or ribbon-ing on either ELFRIDGES day, please email prestburypta@outlook.com
Wrapping paperÂ
If you can donate any wrapping paper to help wrap all the gifts, please drop off at school at the main reception in the donations box.