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The Fallibroome Learning Community

The Fallibroome Learning Community (FLC) is a partnership between Fallibroome and its local primary schools.
Traditionally, this has included all the schools who are listed on Fallibroome’s admission criteria. More recently, this group has expanded to include ‘associate members’ from further afield.
All of the partner schools in this group collaborate closely in an attempt to create a continuous learning experience for children attending these schools from the age of 3 to 18.

The work of the FLC has grown enormously over the years. Headteachers from each school meet on a regular basis; a ‘development plan’ describes key priorities for the year ahead; and governors from each school provide appropriate oversight of this work.

It is rare for primary and secondary colleagues to work together so closely and so effectively. The network is very special and has made a real difference to the experience of the young people who attend local schools.

Please visit the Fallibroome Learning Community website for more information.