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Upper Key Stage 2

Welcome to Upper Key Stage 2.
We are delighted to be teaching your children in what will be their last key stage at Prestbury. These two years are full of challenges and opportunities that are unique to Years 5 and 6, culminating in the highlight of Year 6: the PGL residential!
We follow a two-year curriculum programme so that the children encounter all of the National Curriculum strands for Years 5 and 6 during their time with us. The curriculum plans are detailed below.


The children are taught in their class for all English lessons. Our English lessons consist of Active Read sessions, English writing sessions and discrete grammar and spelling sessions. We use books as stimuli for our reading and writing sessions and they cover a range of genres from historical fiction to modern fiction and many genres in-between. Throughout the two years, the children develop their skills in order to write in a variety of styles (e.g. writing to inform, writing to entertain, writing to persuade and writing to argue) and are taught different reading skills (to explain, retrieve, infer and choice).


The children are taught in ability sets for all Maths lessons. We follow the White Rose Small Steps scheme. All lessons begin with a number starter and this is to enable the children to continually rehearse their number knowledge and methods. The children are exposed to fluency, reasoning and problem-solving tasks throughout the lessons to allow them to embed and practise their learning.


The children cover a variety of topics throughout their time in UKS2. 

The topic lessons consist of the subjects: History, Geography, Science, Design and Technology and Art.

Many of the topics have a combination of two of these subjects as their main focus. This cross-curricular approach allows the children to see and make connections across all subjects, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of what is being taught.

The topics covered are:

Medicine and microorganisms

Did we walk with dinosaurs?

Hunters, settlers and gatherers

Why have cotton when you can have silk?

For more information about the National Curriculum strands that are covered in each of the topics, please see the long-term curriculum maps.

Religious Education

The children in UKS2 take part in weekly Religious Education lessons. The units are:

How has Jesus shaped society in modern Britain?

How do the Old Testament teachings relate to the New Testament?

How do Muslims worship in the mosque and what does that tell us about Allah?

What do we mean when we say Jesus’ death was a sacrifice and what difference does that make to Christians’ lives?

What is the Kingdom of God?

Does The Theory of Evolution disprove Genesis?

What do Christians mean when they describe God as three in one?

How do different global communities show what is important about incarnation?

How does the Sermon on the Mount help Christians to follow Jesus?

What are the big questions raised by Jesus’ death and resurrection?

How are Muslims around the world united in their practices?

Is it challenging being a Muslim in Britain today?

Our RE lessons allow the children to deepen their understanding of Christianity and encounter other world religions.


The children have a weekly Computing lesson in the dedicated Computing suite. There is a strong emphasis on E-safety with every year starting with a unit of work on this important topic. Children are encouraged to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. The children are able to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

The children will develop a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding. The topics covered include:

E-Safety – Children will learn about computer networks, the internet and cloud computing and how they help us. They will learn what e-mail is and how we can use it safely whilst also building an understanding of creating a responsible digital footprint.

Coding and Programming – Using Scratch and Python, the children will design, write and debug programmes. The will also learn about virtual reality, binary code, machine learning and AI and HTML.

Multi Media – The children will use a range of programs to complete units about graphic design, image editing and web design.

They will also create an e-book and learn how to use software to create effective instrumental tracks.

Handling Data – Children will gain an in depth knowledge of how to use Excel to create spreadsheets and to search a database for specific information.

Technology in their lives – Children will gain an understanding of how technology has changed over time and consider the impact that technological changes have had on society. They will predict how technology will change in the future.


We follow the PSHE Association Programme of Study. The children take part in a weekly PSHE lesson. The PSHE themes around internet safety and accessing information online safely are covered in our computing curriculum.

The themes for our PSHE lessons are:

Families and friendships: Attraction to others; romantic relationships; civil partnership and marriage.

Safe relationships: Recognising and managing pressure; consent in different situations.

Respecting ourselves and others: Responding respectfully to a wide range of people; recognising prejudice and discrimination.

Media literacy and Digital resilience: Evaluating media sources; sharing things online.

Belonging to a community: Valuing diversity; challenging discrimination and stereotypes.

Money and Work: Influences and attitudes to money; money and financial risks.

Physical health and Mental well-being: What affects mental health and ways to take care of it; managing change, loss and bereavement; managing time online.

Growing and changing: Human reproduction and birth; increasing independence; managing transitions.

Keeping safe: Keeping personal information safe; regulations and choices; drug use and the law; drug use and the media.

Physical Education

In UKS2, the children follow units of work which build on the skills introduced in EYFS, KS1 and LKS2. 

Emphasis is made on hand eye co-ordination and teaching different interchangeable skills which can be transferred through many sports. We teach: athletics, orienteering, basketball, netball, cricket, rounders, football, dance and gymnastics.

As well as learning skills, the children, linked to their PSHE lessons, learn the importance of keeping fit for both a healthy body and mind. We look at how a healthy diet can improve physical fitness and well-being.

The children also learn about the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship when playing sport and the importance of safety, particularly when different apparatus and equipment is used.

The children also undertake a series of swimming lessons at Bollington Leisure where they are taught the fun and skill of swimming as well as water safety.

In this key stage, the children have the opportunity to represent their school at many different sporting events ranging from cross country to golf.


The UKS2, French lessons are taught on a two-year cycle. We cover many topics from conjugating common verbs to describing the weather. We also cover a number of French culture lessons where we examine French Christmas traditions, Mardi Gras and research Frenc-speaking countries.

Teachers Say Hello!

Sara Riley

KS2 Lead

Fiona Cornish

Science Subject Lead

Charlotte Horsfield

PE Subject Lead

Half Termly Overviews

UKS2 Subject Mapping

Our Vision…
Prestbury CE Primary School is a learning community of unique individuals made in the image of God, where everyone feels safe, respected, valued and encouraged to become everything God has created them to be.