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Curriculum Information

Most parents will be aware that a new National Curriculum was introduced in September 2014.  Attached to this page is a power point outlining the key changes; the presentation was not prepared by our school, but we think parents will find it interesting and helpful.

We undertook a major review of our planning and we have embedded a thematic curriculum that inspires and engages our children and incorporates our Christian values.

We have been able to create a bespoke curriculum to meet the needs of the children in our care, that is engaging and exciting and uses first hand learning experiences as much as possible.

We review the curriculum regularly and are currently focusing on developing the outside as a learning environment, including becoming a forest school… we are very excited about this.

Our Curriculum planning:

This has led to curriculum provision that ensure progress within a meaningful context. Attached to this page is a curriculum document that explains the ethos behind our planning.

For EYFS please see the EYFS section in the Classes section on the website. Additionally our weekly planning is available on Tapestry on your child’s Tapestry account.

For KS1, LKS2 and UKS2 please refer to the relevant Classes page for an up to date half termly overview.

If you have any questions about the Curriculum at school, please do not hesitate to contact us.