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PTA Lottery !

Every month we have a PTA lottery draw where you can win one of three cash prizes. Buy one or more balls for just £2 per ball per month and you’ll “be in it to win it”!

The draw takes place in the middle of each month with winners announced in the newsletter and on our Facebook page (remember to ‘Like’ us)!  For the academic year, the cost per ball is £22 (for payment submitted before October after the start of term). There’s no draw in August but double the prize money for December winners.

Each month, the monthly takings are split as follows:

  • 1st prize: 25%
  • 2nd prize: 15%
  • 3rd prize: 10%

The remaining 50% goes to the PTA. So the more people taking part, the bigger your potential prize money and the more the PTA (and therefore your child!) benefits.

To join in, you can pay by cash, bank transfer, cheque or monthly standing order. Just fill out the short form that you can download using the link below and return it to us (with your cheque if applicable) using the green PTA post box on the wall outside the main reception entrance.

If you’d rather pay by Standing Order, you can either do it yourself online, or download the Instruction form below and present it to your bank to be set up. Please put your full name as the Payment Reference. As soon as we receive notification from your bank, you’ll automatically be entered into the next draw. If you are paying by Standing Order, remember to please also let us have the short form with your details.

The Bank Account details for Standing Orders are:

Prestbury School PTA
Sort code: 010541
Bank account : 29204488


Good luck!