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Welcome to Key Stage 1!

We have so many wonderful things planned in KS1 and are so pleased that your child will be part of them!

We teach the KS1 National Curriculum over two years, on a rolling programme, so that the children access all of the objectives from Year 1 and Year 2 during their time in KS1.

What will we be doing in each of our subjects?

In English, we teach English writing and Active Read, alongside discrete weekly grammar lessons and daily spelling lessons. We use interesting fiction and non-fiction books with ambitious vocabulary as stimuli for lessons, encouraging the children to really engage with the texts to achieve their best.

In maths, we start with practical maths, using apparatus, and move onto drawing and using pictures to represent numbers and then the more abstract calculations once the concepts are secure.

The foundation subjects are also taught on a two-year cycle, split into discrete lessons for History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology, Music, PE, Computing and PSHE, covering both knowledge and skills in all those subjects.

We endeavour to ensure that the children have lots of hands-on learning experiences with regular trips to museums, places of worship and attractions, as well as in-school workshops, all of which link closely to the National Curriculum objectives being taught.

Religious Education lessons are taught every week in KS1. The themes we cover are:

  • The Good News
  • Incarnation
  • Judaism – Abraham and the Synagogue
  • The Resurrection
  • Forgiveness
  • Creation
  • The Bible and God
  • Incarnation
  • The Church
  • Easter
  • Judaism – The Shabbat
  • Christian and Jewish histories

Teachers Say Hello!

Amber Davies

History Subject Lead, Staff Governor

Sabine Grimshaw

Art Subject Lead

Hannah Hague

Maths Subject Lead, Mental Health Lead

Half Termly Overviews

KS1 Subject Mapping

Our Vision…
Prestbury CE Primary School is a learning community of unique individuals made in the image of God, where everyone feels safe, respected, valued and encouraged to become everything God has created them to be.