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Physical Education (PE)

Our Physical Education programme includes gymnastics, games, dance, athletics, swimming and outdoor pursuits. We ensure development in these areas through our carefully planned scheme of work.

All classes have at least 2 sessions of PE per week. We offer competitive team games as part of our sports programme and in Key Stage 2 the children have the opportunity to represent the school in inter school’s competitions. We have football, netball, rounders, tag rugby, orienteering, hockey, basketball, swimming, cross country and athletics teams. Practices and events are outside normal school hours.

We hold an annual sports day, which has a competitive element for KS2 and aims to provide fun, and equal opportunity for KS1.

In years 3-6 the children participate in swimming lessons. In both Year 5 and 6 the children have the opportunity of a residential outdoor pursuits week.Â