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Paul Ratcliffe

I was born and raised in London, but relocated to leafy Cheshire with my wife and children in 2002. 

The greater part of my career was in the business world which involved a fair amount of travel. However, the more rewarding part of my career has been in primary education: I transitioned into teaching in 2004, retiring in summer 2020 after 16 fun-packed years. In addition to classroom teaching and learning, I found great enjoyment in writing and directing many school productions as well as launching many children on the path to potential fame and fortune (hopefully!) through my various guitar and rock band clubs.

I am delighted to have become part of the Prestbury CE Primary School family through my appointment as a Foundation Governor in late 2020 and am looking forward to everything that this exciting new role might bring, and contributing to the world of education from an alternative perspective.

My wife has also recently retired and we are both looking forward to travelling as and when we can. In the meantime, however, I am keeping busy playing the guitar and piano, reading, walking, gardening, teaching myself Spanish and, best of all, having fun with our two-year-old grandson.

Our Vision…
Prestbury CE Primary School is a learning community of unique individuals made in the image of God, where everyone feels safe, respected, valued and encouraged to become everything God has created them to be.